Friday, March 02, 2007

Recording Industry Tackles Illegal Downloads

Recording industry groups have announced a crackdown on illegal music downloading in universities.

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has complained to a number of universities across the US and has called on them to take action against the offending students. While it is possible to identify which computer is being used, the RIAA does not know which individuals are illegally downloading copyrighted material.

Jonathan Lamy, a spokesman for the RIAA, said: "We know piracy is most acute on campuses. "Students have high-speed access and have more time than money." The RIAA wants universities to take action against those who illegally download music through various means, such as forcing them to watch an educational video on piracy.

It has also suggested that universities revoke students' rights to use computers on campus if they are found to be downloading unlawfully. In the past year, the number of complaints sent out by the RIAA has increased three-fold to 15,000.

"Illegal downloading is certainly not a new story," states Mark Weibel EVP of Marketing for Broadband National, who operates the industries leading comparative shopping website. "People must remember that along with your music, you are most likely downloading hundreds of nasty viruses that will cripple your PC. They embed themselves right in the music files and begin to go to work damaging your PC while you listen to the music."

For more information on music downloads and other digital products and services visit

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