Friday, October 19, 2007

Phishing email warning issued

Computer users, including those with broadband services, should know not to respond to phishing emails, it has been suggested.

It is also advisable not to open mysterious emails before deleting them, according to UK credit reporting group Equifax. Neil Munroe, external affairs director for the company, said that opening emails - such as those which claim to be from a bank or financial services company - could open people up to a "further bombardment of phishing type activity". Warning of current trends, which could be of interest to those with high speed internet, he added: "It's an interesting fact that something like three percent of people do respond to these emails and I'm sure small businesses are involved in that as well.

"Three percent, when you're sending out a large number like these phishing organizations do, is quite a nice return." In related security news, recently indicated that 37 percent of online banking customers use their password at other less-secure websites.

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