Friday, December 14, 2007 a One-Stop Resource for Entrepreneurial Moms - or Anyone Who Wants to Run an Online Business From Home

Thanks to the advent of the Internet the phrase "mommy track" is taking on a whole new meaning. Mothers who left traditional 9-to-5 jobs in the corporate world are now launching their own businesses -- many of them online businesses -- in record numbers. The recently launched website is designed as a comprehensive resource for these women, often referred to as mompreneurs or WAHMs (work-at-home-moms).

Lisa Paredes is the perfect role model for these enterprising women. She is the brains behind And she is a single, full-time, work- at-home mother with two children, ages 11 and 3. "There are numerous stay-at-home moms out there who are eager to start their own online business," said Paredes. "They just don't know where to begin."

That's where comes in. Its new members' area (with free registration) offers video tutorials, downloadable lists and guides, business website templates and web tools. Video tutorial topics range from setting up an online pay-per-click ad campaign to building a website. Business web templates range from virtual assistant to wedding planner.

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