According to a CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Study, cyber crimes cost the United States economy an estimated $67 billion in damages(i), which is comparable to the U.S. federal government's estimated information technology (IT) spending
for fiscal year 2008(ii).
Corporations and governments have long known an effective IT security program requires dedicated resources - people, processes and technology. Investing wisely in cyber security is a fundamental cost of doing business in the relatively new wired world.
"The big business and government approach to cyber security contrasts sharply with many small business and home computer users who can unsuspectingly be the 'back doors' to a full-scale cyber attack," said Dave Morrow, EDS chief security and privacy officer. "This weakness at the grassroots level requires all users to be responsible citizens in the collective online world with equal time and energy spent to protect these computers. Everyone must practice safe computing habits and good personal computing hygiene."
In honor of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, EDS security and privacy experts have identified EDS' eight tips to help consumers secure their part of cyberspace:
1. Know the threat. The online world is a dangerous place. Just like any
city or town, there are "good" neighborhoods and "bad" ones.
2. Use the tools. Every home or small business user should install
commonly available security tools such as anti-virus software,
anti-spyware software and a personal firewall.
3. Be smart online. Like the physical world, cyberspace has its
"con-artist side" typified by bogus e-mails advertising
"get-rich-quick" schemes, "can't-miss" stocks and come-ons from the
opposite sex who "can't wait" to chat. All too often, these are teasers
drawing users to Web sites with viruses, bot programs or other cyber
4. Never respond to unsolicited requests for personal information. Be wary
of e-mails from organizations or individuals asking for your personal
5. Beware of "phishing" e-mails. Phishing is one of the fastest-growing
forms of online fraud for identity thieves. Phishing e-mails appear
legitimate, often addressing you by name, which makes them even more
6. Do not use personal information for passwords. Using information such
as Social Security numbers, birth dates, names, e-mail addresses or
telephone numbers as passwords can make you an easy target.
7. Review privacy and security policies for the companies you do business
with online. All reputable companies post a privacy and security policy
or statement on their Web site.
8. Monitor online activity regularly. If you conduct business online,
review your account statements regularly and consider using a separate
credit card for online purchases or payments to ensure all transactions
are in order. By reviewing online statements and transactions
frequently, you could detect a theft and limit its damage.
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